Our Chiropractor Team

Nathan Burns

Clinical Acupuncturist

Nathan has more than ten years of clinical practice experience. Nathan graduated from the Traditional Chinese Medicine course offered at Victoria University of Technology and has a passion for helping people regain control of their lives.

Nathan’s motto is to “Own Life!” This can be interpreted in many ways, however the central idea is that his clients become empowered to fulfil their potential.

This can be achieved through the reduction of pain – physical, emotional or both.

Physical and emotional pain

Nathan sees patients for the physical and emotional aspects of pain. This is a corner stone of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and something that was refined in Nathan’s treatments during a year-long study trip to Xian, China.

Neck and shoulder pain

Similarly, neck and shoulder problems can also cause acute and chronic pain and stress. Keyboard posture is a major culprit in this epidemic of muscle tightness and pain. A few carefully placed acupuncture needles may be able to provide some patients with relief. Posture and exercise form part of an ongoing management strategy to help people enjoy their lives more fully.

Headaches and migraines

Headaches and migraines often have a muscular component. Nathan will identify and treat muscle tightness and spasm, which may be able to improve the frequency and severity of painful episodes in some patients.

Nathan is a nationally registered Chinese Medicine Professional. He works out of Wellbeing at 365 Burwood Road Hawthorn in Victoria, and is a member of a dynamic wellness team that utilizes a combination of modalities and training to help people take control and OWN LIFE!

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