What to expect

When you come to one of of practices you can expect to be seen promptly and provided with professional caring chiropractic assistance. The following steps are normally undertaken at an emergency chiropractic initial consultation.

  • Step 1

    An in-depth review of your health and medical history.

  • Step 2

    Observation and palpation of the presenting complaint.

  • Step 3

    Physical assessment incl. Orthopaedic and neurological tests.

  • Step 4

    Posture and gait assessment if indicated.

  • Step 5

    Radiographs if clinically indicated

  • Step 6

    Treatment and home advice

Step 1: An in-depth health and medical history.
As soon as you arrive at our practice you will be greeted by one of our team members. They will provide you with a health and medical questionnaire. On this form you are asked to detail the reason for your visit and list all relevant and important medical and health details such as: past history of other treatments (chiropractic, medical or other), Occupational history and family history of conditions.

It is important the chiropractor knows this information so they can provide the best care, which includes ruling out any potential red flags or contraindications to treatment, whether x-rays or referral for additional examinations or tests are needed. A copy of this form can be found by clicking on the new patient form link .

Once this form is complete, it will be provided to the chiropractor to read prior to you seeing them. The chiropractor will then introduce himself and commence the consultation which starts by you providing a brief synopsis of the complaint. Depending on the issue at hand, the chiropractor may ask you questions to determine any or all of the following: description of the symptoms (e.g. lightening pain, aching discomfort), frequency & duration of the symptoms, location of pain, relieving factors that make pain feel better (e.g. rest, heat pack), aggravating factors that make pain worse (e.g. exercises, driving) and others depending on the particular situation.

Step 2: Observation
After the chiropractor takes a thorough history about the reason for you visit, he will typically ask you to show him where the pain is located and observe or assess the area of concern, for example if you have come to the chiropractor for neck pain, he will look closely at your neck region. The exact nature of this observation will vary depending on the complaint but typically during this time. Observation and palpation of the presenting complaint.

Step 3: Physical examination including orthopaedic and neurological tests.

Our Chiropractors will use their hands to palpate and examine the spinal joints, bones, muscles and tendons of the body and spine, head and neck, extremities and other areas of the body. They will be looking for areas of tenderness, asymmetries, defects and if any segments of the spine are restricted in movement or limited.

Given our chiropractors are trained to perform a range of neurologic tests (including dermatome assessment, nerve compression, muscle strength, co-ordination, muscle reflexes.) they may do some of these assessments on you if indicated. In addition, they may also wish to undertake orthopedic tests and other relevant tests.

Step 4: Posture and gait assessment (if indicated)
Our Chiropractors will normally undertake a postural assessment on all their patients with the aim to better understand their condition and to help in the management and treatment process. All of our practices are equipped with computer software that via photographs can automatically calculate postural angles, alignment, changes and/or distortions.

In many cases the chiropractor may find it beneficial in your situation to have you walk a short distance while observing your walking pattern (or gait) to get clues as to your underlying condition.

Step 5: Musculoskeletal assessment and radiographs (if indicated)
Each of our practices has digital x-ray equipment and automatic processors to assess the bones and joints of the spine. All of our chiropractors are trained in taking spinal radiographs

If clinically indicated, our Chiropractors will use this equipment to better assess the nerves and joints of the spine so they can either rule out red flags or contraindications to chiropractic care and/or help determine the diagnosis. All of which is aimed at providing better clarity so treatment may be provided promptly and the patient can be helped faster.

Step 6: Treatment and home advice

Following any physical treatment provided, our chiropractors will provide you with home advice (e.g. icing or heat instructions) and exercises that you can perform at home or work to best assist your recovery away from the practice.

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